This is my young Cocker Spaniel dog, Hendrix. Unfortunately, Hendrix was recently involved in an accident, where he sustained a nasty injury to his paw.
Whilst out on our daily walk, we bumped into our neighbours, who also have a dog called Marley. We stopped for a quick chat and the two dogs had a chance to play, as they normally do.
Suddenly, I noticed a car that was approaching the dogs at a reasonably high speed. Despite my efforts to warn the driver, Hendrix was knocked over.
To my relief Hendrix emerged from the front of the vehicle; however, he was in clear pain and distress. The following pictures show the injury to the paw and also the injury after I treated it with RenaSan.
The after picture was taken just nine days after the accident and I can now, happily, say that Hendrix has made a full recovery. I fully believe that the product I used, RenaSan, is to thank for the speedy recovery Hendrix made, as it kept the wound clean and infection free. It was also extremely easy to apply to the wound and did not cause any further distress.
I would absolutely recommend RenaSan to others and, from now on, I will always keep a spare bottle in the first aid kit!
John. Murray, Scotland